Jhigu Store - Flutter Ecommerce Multi Vendor App
- February 10, 2023
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Jhigu Store - Translates to "Our Store" from Newari Language
This app is developed at Nectar Digit Pvt Ltd, Sundhara Kathmandu. I worked on this project as lead developer for mobile using the flutter framework developed by Google backed by Dart Programming Language.
Some of the features include:
- Login/Signup
- Social Login (Google/Facebook)
- Delivery Location Setting using Google Maps
- Add to Cart
- Like Product
- Wishlist products
- Search Products
- Write reviews after purchase
- Multiple local digital Payments (e-sewa, khalti)
- And many more ...
App Download Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nectardigit.jhigu